Thursday, October 9, 2008

Esther, ma cuzo

I have a cuzo that I love to death. She lives in Australia and she is An Accounting major just like me. I love u and miss her alot.

Ma Cuzo

Ma cuzo, I don't know what to say about her. She is the worst person you will ever meet,. We have the same first and last name but thats about it. I really don't like her and the things she does. She lives in Washington D.C.


The President of the great nation of KENYA

Mwai Kibaki (born November 15, 1931is the Presidentof Kenya. Kibaki was previously Vice President (1978 - 1988), and has held several other cabinet positions, including Minister for Finance (1978 - 1981), Minister for Home Affairs (1982 - 1988) and Minister for Health (1988 - 1991).
He was baptized Emilio Stanley by Italian missionaries in his youth but he rarely uses this name. He was sworn in on 30 December 2007 for his second term as president of the Republic of Kenya after controversially emerging winner of an election that was marked by accusations of fraud and widespread irregularities that have led to civil unrest.

Ma Uncle

I have one great unlce who i love to death. His name is Francis Karanja. Unlce Karanja is a PhD, graduate at University of new England in Australia.My Unlce is so special to me cuz everytime U need someone to talk to, he is always there. I miss him so much and I wish him all the best in lyfe.He is ma second dad and he is ma mums brother.i love him with all ma heart.

Ma Uncle

Bandio, ma friend from The East TZ

Ma SeconD Family.

This is one of ma closest friend who I cherish so much. He is always there for me, he is more like ma big bro. He is there for advice, and fun at the same time. He has a daughter who is so cute. I love her to death.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Younger Bro and Younger siz

I have one younger bro and one younger siz. I love them both to death. My younger bro is a junior in high school and ma younger siz is a freshman at kingston city senior high school. They are crazy but I love them to death.

Ma boyfriend

My boyfriend has one best friend by the name Simon. Simon is loving, attractive and he is a good person.

Ma Boyfriend

I have a boyfriend by the name of E.K, He and I met August 25th 2006. We became boyfriend and girlfriend in October 1st 2006. Stephen is the best person I ever met. He is loving, caring, charming, attractive and understanding. I love Stephen to death.

In this picture, Stephen is wearing white for his graduation as an LPN student. With his is his bro and his friend.

Ma Big Bro

I have one big brother, His name is Heno, he is the craziest person I know. He is fuuny, charming and cute. He is the best person ever. He loves to DJ and he is really good at it. I would never ask for another big bro.I love ma big bro to death.

Friday, October 3, 2008

kenyan Food

learn it, cook it and enjoy

Kenyan food is the best, try it and let me know what u think,there is ugali or chapo whichever u want.

Ma place

The Republic of Kenya is a country in East Africa. It is bordered by Ethiopia to the north, Somalia to the northeast, Tanzania to the south, Uganda to the west, and Sudan to the northwest, with the Indian Ocean running along the southeast border. The country is named after Mount Kenya a very significant landmark and the second among the Highest mountain peaks of Africa, and both were originally usually pronounced in English although the native pronunciation and the one intended by the original transcription Kenia was . During the presidency of Jomo Kenyatta in the 1960s, the current pronunciation [ˈkɛnjə] became widespread in English too because his name was pronounced according to the original native pronunciation.Before 1920, the area now known as Kenya was known as the British East Africa Protectorate and so there was no need to mention mount when referring to the mountain.

I am proud t be a kenyan Girl

Kenyan Food

Kenyan food is, no doubt, based on what’s available. In Nairobi, while there is no McDonald’s, there are fast food restaurants and hamburgers, fried chicken, and pizza can be easily be found.
No matter where you go u will always find something interesting.
At the market, some of the best food are the fruits and vegetables. Fruits such as pineapples, bananas, mangoes, oranges, papayas, and passion fruit are grown without chemicals, and sold for pennies on the dollar. Cabbage, eggplant, maize, beans, potatoes, rice, carrots, onions, tomatoes, squash, kale, and garlic are also fAt the market, some of the best food are the fruits and vegetables.


Lots and lots of friends, that i love so much.this are ma good friends. Mustangs!!!

Ma Friends

Morrisville State University, has been the best thing that ever happened to me. I am an Accounting Major and I had some great friends who I love so much. This is Ma BB player Trevis!!! GO mustangs!!!!

Ma family

Well, love is very strong. I have two brothers and one sister. I love ma bros and siz to death. we fight alot but at the end of the day, we come together and laugh or cry 2gether.No matter where i go, my bros, ma mum and ma siz, r the only people i can always count on.

Kenyan Gurl

What really is a girl? A girl is a young woman born to face anything on earth. On June 15th, a young girl was born in a small town named Ngecha Limuru in Kenya East Aafrica. The young girl was named Rahab Mugure. She learned all she could from cooking to cleaning to being a young lady that she is today. She went to school and being thankful every single day.
At the age oF 15, She and her family moved to Kingston NY in the United State Of America. She joined Kingston High School and a Graduate of 2008. She later on went to Morrisville State University i Morrisville NY and all thanxs goes to her boyfriend Steven who loves her to death.
Rahab AKA Rae, gives all thanxs to her mom who is always there for her..